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Key-note speech on ”Internet of Things: Present and Future” during 3rd National Conference on Computer & Communication Research (NC3R) held during 26th -27th April 2018.
Expert talk on ”Wireless Networks” for UG students at Parul Institute of Technology on 28th March 2018.
Talk on ”Research Issues in Wireless Sensor and Multimedia Networks” for PG students at LDRP Institute of Technology and Research on 9th February 2018.
Talk on ”Overview of Data Mining Techniques” for PG students at Parul University during one week STTP on Data Analytics and Soft Computing: Tools and Techniques on 8th January 2018.
Talk on ”Effective Technical Writing” for PG students at Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology during one day seminar on Effective Technical Writing on 9 th September 2017.
Talk on "Wireless Network Simulation" during IE(I) sponsored STTP on Design and Simulation Tools For Education and Research in Electronics Communication and Networking held at BVM Engineering College, V.V. Nagar on 12th June 2017.
Invited talk on "Protocol Development on Castalia Simulator" during STTP on Network, Network Simulation, Sensor Network & Information Security held at SSAIET, Navsari on 30th December 2016.
Delivered talk on "Quality of Service in Internet" during State level multi-disciplinary Symposium - Samvaad, organized by Silver Oak Group of Institutions, Ahmedabad on 24th December 2016.
Talk on "Geographic Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks" during STTP on Wireless Sensor Networks and Application held at BVM Engineering College, V.V. Nagar on 22nd December 2016.
Talk on "Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks" during STTP on Wireless Sensor Networks and Application held at BVM Engineering College, V.V. Nagar on 19th December 2016.
Delivered a talk on "Operating Systems for Internet of Things (IoT) during STTP on Internet of Things held at Parul University on 16th December 2016.
Talk on "Scientific document writing using LaTeX" during Workshop on Research Methodology on 15th November 2016 at Ganpat University.
Talk on "Spam Detection using Naive Bayesian Classification" during Workshop on Probability & Statistics: A Computer Engineering Perspective on 2nd April 2016 at Institute of Technology, Nirma University.
Delivered talk on "Sensor Networks and IoT Operating Systems" during Workshop on Web of Thing on 23rd January 2016 at UVPCE, Ganpat University.
Delivered talk on "Sensor Networks" during Training Program on Embedded Systems and Internet of Thing [ESIoT-2016] on 8th January 2016 at BVM Engineering College, V V Nagar.
Conducted sessions on "Documentation with LaTeX" during STTP on Free Open Source Software in Engineering [FOSSEA-2015] on 22nd June 2015 at BVM Engineering College, V V Nagar.
Conducted "One-day Workshop on LaTeX" organized by Open Source Technology Clubs of Gujarat Technological University & GTU PG SCHOOL at GTU PG SCHOOL, BISAG, Gandhinagar, on 21st March 2015.
Conducted "Workshop on LaTeX" during GUJCOST sponsored workshop on Research Methodology in Science and Engineering at CHARUSAT, Changa, on 24th January 2015.
Delivered talk on "Multimedia Transmission over Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) using Castalia Simulator" during National Workshop on Network, Network Simulation and Information Security [NWNSIS-2014] on 27th November 2014 at ISTAR, V V Nagar.
Delivered talk on "Research Issues in Multimedia Communication over Wireless Networks" during STTP on Multimedia Signal Processing Theory and Applications at Institute of Technology, Nirma University on 10th July 2014.
Conducted one-day workshop on "LaTeX" at Narayan Shastri Institute of Technology, Jetalpur, Ahmedabad, on 7th September 2013.
Conducted a two-day workshop on "LaTeX for scientists" at Space Application Center(SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad, during 12th - 13th July 2013.
Delivered a session on "Data analysis with Weka" at Short Term Training Program on Mathematics for Computer Science Engineers held at Nirma University on 3rd July 2013.
Delivered a session on "LaTeX for Mathematicians" at Short Term Training Program on Mathematics for Engineers held at Nirma University on 3rd July 2013.
Delivered a talk on "Research issues in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network" at STTP on Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications and Security Issues at SVNIT, Surat on May 23rd, 2013.
Delivered lecture on "Wireless Networks and hands on for it’s application" at STTP on Mobile Computing and Application Development using Android held at BSPP, Ganpat Vidyanagar, Kherva on 19th December 2012.
Delivered a lecture on "Design Patterns: Elements of reusable Object Oriented Software" at refresher course on Programming Systems held at Nirma University on 3rd January 2012.
Delivered talk on "Overview of Network Simulator ns-2" at STTP on Simulation of Wired and Wireless Network held at Nirma University on 26th December 2011.
Delivered talk on "Research issues in Wireless Sensor Network" at STTP on Imminent Mobile Computing at B H Gardi Vidyapeeth, Rajkot on December 21, 2011.
Talk on "Advanced Wireless Technologies" at B H Gardi Vidyapeeth, Rajkot on March 18, 2011.
Delivered lecture on "Implementation of TCP/IP stack on Embedded System" at SAC-ISRO training programme on Embedded Systems, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University during September 20-24, 2010.
Delivered talk on "Quality of Service in Internet" at STTP on Advances in Networking: Opportunities and Challenges held at Nirma University in June 2010.
Talk on "Classification by Decision Tree, Neural Networks and Bayessian classifier" at STTP on Data Mining organised by SVNIT, Surat during February 8-13, 2010.
Talks on "TCP/IP Layers" and "Wireless and Adhoc Network" at STTP on Advanced Computer Network and Emerging Area organised by BSPP, Ganpat Vidyanagar, Kherva during November 9-13, 2009.
Talk on "XML in web service" at STTP on Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services organized by CSE Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad in June, 2009.
Delivered talk on "Web Site Design, Development and Deployment" under curicullum transaction during In-Service course for PGT Computer Science at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ahmedabad on June 16, 2008.
Conducted numerous sessions on LaTeX for PG students and faculties of Nirma University.
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